Hindu Scriptures Telugu

రామాయణ రత్నాకరము Telugu

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The Ramayana, often referred to as the Valmiki Ramayana and traditionally credited to Valmiki, is a smriti scripture from ancient India. It is one of the two significant epics of Hinduism classified as Itihasas, the other being the Mahabharata.

The narrative of Ratnakar, who eventually transformed into the sage Valmiki, is recounted in the Ramayana. Initially, Ratnakar was a bandit who sustained his family through acts of theft and violence. Upon the counsel of Narada Muni, Ratnakar was prompted to inquire whether his family would condone his immoral actions. He was taken aback by their responses, as his wife and children expressed their support for his decision to abandon a life of crime.

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