Shri Ranganatha Ashtakam With Meaning PDF English
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Shri Ranganatha Ashtakam With Meaning English Lyrics
|| Ashtakam ||
Anandarope Nijabodharope
Brahmaswaroope ShrutimortiRope
Shashanka-Roope Ramaneeya-Rope
Sri Rangarope Ramatam Mano Me
My mind delights in the divine form of Sri Ranganatha) that form (resting on the Adisesha) absorbed in bliss (Ananda Rupe), and immersed in his own self (Nija Bodha Rupe); that form embodying the essence of brahman (Brahma Svarupe) and the essence of all the shrutis (Vedas) (Shruti Murti Rupe), that form cool like the moon (Shashanka Rupe) and having exquisite beauty (Ramaniya Rupe); My mind delights in the divine form of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (that form fills my being with bliss.
Kaveri-Tire Karuna-Vilole
Mandara-Mule Dhrita-Charu-Kele
Daitya-Antakaale Khila-Loka-Lele
Sri Ranga-Lele Ramatam Mano Me
My mind delights in the divine plays of Sri Ranganatha) those plays of him, showering compassion at the bank of river Kaveri (just like its gentle waves); those plays of him assuming beautiful sportive forms at the root of the Mandara tree,
those plays of his incarnations slaying the demons in all the lokas (Worlds); My mind delights in the divine plays of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (those plays fill my being with bliss.
Lakshmi-Nivase Jagatam Nivase
Hrita-Padmaavase Ravi-Bimba-Vase
Kripa-anivase Guna-Brinda-Vase
Sri Ranga-Vase Ramatam Mano Me
My mind delights in the various abodes of Sri Ranganatha) that abode of him dwelling with devi Lakshmi (in Vaikuntha), those abodes of him dwelling amidst all the beings in this world (in temples), that abode of him within the lotus of the hearts of the devotees (as divine consciousness), and that abode of him within the orb of the sun (the sun representing the image of the divine), that abode of him in the acts of compassion, and that abode of him within the excellent virtues; My mind delights in the various abodes of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (those abodes fill my being with bliss.
Brahmaadivandye Jagatekavandye
Mukundavandye Suranaathavandye
Vyaasaadivandye Sanakaadivandye
Sri Rangavandye Ramatam ManoMe
My mind delights in the worship of Sri Ranganatha) The worship performed by lord Brahma and other (gods); The worship performed by the devotees (considering him) as the one lord of the universe; The worship performed by Sri Mukunda, and the worship performed by the chief of the Suras (i.e. Indra deva), The worship performed by Sage Vyasa and other (Sages); The worship performed by Sage Sanaka and other (Kumaras); My mind delights in the worship of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (His worship fills my being with bliss.
Brahmaadhi-Raaje Garudaadhi-Raaje
Vaikuntha-Raaje Sura-Raaja-Raaje
Sri Ranga-Raaje Ramatam Mano Me
My mind delights in the lordship of Sri Ranganatha) Who is the lord of Brahma, who is the lord of Garuda, who is the lord of Vaikuntha and who is the lord of the king of Suras (i.e. Indra Deva), who is the lord of the three worlds, who is the lord of all the worlds; My mind delights in the lordship of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (His lordship fills my being with bliss.
Amogha-Mudre Paripurna-Nidre
Sri-Yoga-Nidre Sasamudra-Nidre
Sri-Taika-Bhadre Jagat-Eka-Nidre
Srirangabhadre Ramatam Mano Me
My mind delights in the auspicious divine sleep of Sri Ranganatha) that posture of unfailing rest (which nothing can disturb), that complete sleep (which is full with fullness), that auspicious Yoga Nidra (which is absorbed in itself in fullness), (and) that posture of sleeping over the milky ocean (and controlling everything), that posture of rest is the one source of auspiciousness (in the universe) and one great sleep which (gives rest amidst all the activities and) finally absorbs the universe, my mind delights in the auspicious divine sleep of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (that auspicious divine sleep fills my being with bliss
Sachitrashayee bhujagendrashayee
Nandanakashayee kamalaankaashayee
Ksheerabdhirhayai vamtapatrashayee
Srirangashayee ramatam mano me
My mind delights in the auspicious resting poses of Sri Ranganatha) that resting pose adorned with variegated (garments and ornaments); that resting pose over the king of serpents (i.e. Adisesha); that resting pose on the lap of Nanda Gopa (and Yashoda); that resting pose on the lap of devi Lakshmi, that resting pose over the Milky Ocean; (and) that resting pose over the banyan leaf; My mind delights in the auspicious resting poses of Sri Ranga (Sri Ranganatha) (those auspicious resting poses fill my being with bliss.
Idam Hi Rangam Tyajataamihangam
Punarnachangam Yadichangameti
Panaurathamgam Charanembugangam
Yane Vihangam Shayane Bhujangam
This indeed is Ranga (Srirangam), where if anyone sheds his body, will not come back again with body (i.e. will not be born again), if that body had approached the lord (i.e. taken refuge in the lord), (Glory to Sri Ranganatha) whose hand holds the discus, from whose lotus feet river Ganga originates, who rides on his bird vehicle (Garuda); (and) who sleeps on the bed of serpent (glory to Sri Ranganatha.
Pratruthaya Yah Pathet
Sarvaan Kaamaanavaapnoti
This Ranganathashtakam, which is auspicious, he who recites after getting up early in the morning, all his desires are fulfilled; (and finally) he attains the sayujya of Sri Ranganatha (absorption in the essence of Sri Ranganatha) (and gets liberated).
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