The Bhagavata Purana, often referred to as the Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana, or simply Bhagavata, is recognized as one of the eighteen principal Puranas in Hinduism and holds significant popularity within the Vaishnavism tradition. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic philosophical & literary classic. The timeless wisdom of India is expressed in the Vedas, ancient Sanskrit texts that touches upon all fields of human knowledge and provides illuminating answers, concerning everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe.
The Srimad Bhagavata elaborates on the genesis of the Bhagavata and presents the reader with the exalted attributes of Krishna as the Supreme Lord. This text is comprised of 19 chapters. Authored by Veda Vyasa, the summary is based on the translation provided by Swami Tapasyananda.
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