Shri Kali Maa

Shri Kali Maa Aarti With Meaning

Shri Kali Maa Aarti With Meaning English Lyrics

Shri Kali MaaAarti (आरती संग्रह)English
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|| Shri Kali Maa Aarti With Meaning ||

Jai Kali Mata, Maa Jai Maha Kali Maa
Ratabeeja Vadh Kaarini Maata
Suranara Muni Dhyaataa,
Maa Jai Maha Kali Maa

Oh mother Kali, Oh MahaKali, Glory to you the slayer of Raktabeej. The protector of the holy ones . Oh mother may there be victory in your holy name.

Daksha Yagya Vid Vansa Karani
Maa Shubha Nishumbh Haarlee

Madhu Aur Kaitabha Naashini Maata
… Mahisasura Maradini
…O Mata Jai Maha Kaali Maa

Oh Devi you are the one who put a stop to King Daksha’s Yagya, and the one who slayed the demons Shumbh and Nishumbh. You removed the atrocities of Madhu and Kaitab and defeated the great Mahishasur as well. May there be victory in your holy name.

Hey Hima Giriki Nandini
Prakriti Racha Itthi

Kaala Vinaashini Kaali Mata
Suranjana Sukha Daatri Hey Maata

Oh mother you are verily the creator of the cosmos. The one who is beyond time and so destroys time, Oh giver of goodness and wealth, May there be victory in your holy name.

Anndham Vastram Daayaani
Maata Adi Shakti Ambe

Kanakana Kana Nivaasini Maata
Bhagawati Jagadambe
… O Mata Jai Maha Kaali Maa

Oh Mother your existance is itself energy, The Para-Shakti Ambe Maa, You dwell everwhere, you are the auspicious Jagadamba,
the bestower, the Mother of all, May there be victory in your holy name.

Dakshina Kaali Aadhyaa Kaali
…Kaali Naama Roopaa

Teeno Loka Vichaariti Maata Dharma Moksha Roopa

You are the wish fulfilling and calm Dakshina Kali, Aadhya Kali, and so many are your names. Your exisitence resounds in all three worlds. You are righteousness, you are our liberator and our salvation. May there be victory in your holy name Oh mother Kali.

| Jai Maha Kali Maa |

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